Our Mission

Why Would an App-Driven Body Pillow help with Global Warming?

Because we have surplus renewable wind energy at night.

Due to human nature, most Americans are asleep at night and because of cooler nights many are not using their air conditioning at all. Many businesses and factories are also closed and the amount of power usage at night plummets. But the wind towers keep spinning, in fact they generate more power at night. The problem is that there are no building sized batteries to store this large amount of clean power and it is thrown to ground. (or wasted). Many consumers don’t give these “day to night” usage differences a second thought, but this is the reason that smart meters are being installed and daytime rates will be going up. It is also the reason that there will be extra power to charge EV cars as long as we do that mostly at night. Anything that can help us use this abundant nighttime renewable energy instead of using things that consume fossil fuels is a step in the right direction. Snoodle will use this extra electricity and will affordably help Americans make this energy switch.

Much More Wind Power is on the Way

Utility sized wind power is supplying our nation with so much important nighttime renewable energy that little pollutive coal is consumed after dark. Solar power is helpful but without big batteries only helps produce power during the day when the sun is shining. Wind energy was beginning to make a true impact when a major Federal policy shift was enacted. Ironically a recent past president who disliked wind power decided to open up the entire Atlantic Ocean coast for oil exploration. (except Florida) This was a long-standing desire of the oil industry lobby, and no one imagined that it would ever be done. The wind companies filed suit for discrimination and won, making the ocean leases also available for large wind generators. It turns out that long term guaranteed wind power is much more valuable than ocean oil exploration. For this reason, many of the available ocean leases were secured by international wind generation companies. We can soon expect that our available wind energy will multiply many times. Snoodles thrive on this spare nighttime power and intend to use it to keep you warm in bed. Why heat your home with expensive fossil fuel when your Snoodle will keep you warm with much less spare green electricity.

The current solution is to throw out our working heaters!

It’s true, The American Society of Heating Refrigeration and A/C Engineers (the manufacturers) ASHRAE has recommended to our federal and state governments that huge incentives be created to replace existing home heaters with electric heat pumps. This plan should reduce Americans use of oil and natural gas by shifting nighttime heat to electric. If embraced, this idea would indeed reduce enormous amounts of nighttime pollution and use the waste renewable energy that we are not using and cannot store. These electrification plans are already in place in many major cities and part of the requirements for commercial facilities. The problem is that in many parts of the country heat pumps are not more efficient than natural gas and don’t even yet exist for larger commercial systems.

But is this idea truly practical? Will you rush out to replace your working heater with electric for a few thousand in government dollars? Snoodle doesn’t think so.

Snoodle Thinks there is a much softer way to electrify your nighttime heat

Snoodles were born to solve this serious problem in a more practical way. They are designed to save the homeowner expense on nighttime heating, reduce global warming emissions and support restful sleep. Your app-driven Snoodle will be set-and-forget and linked to the internet. There are multiple scheduling options, and you will control his temperature settings right on your phone. A Snoodle will heat up to 110 degrees F. and contain two heat zones. Since Snoodle is connected to the Internet he will automatically set back your homes smart thermostat when your bed gets warm. We hope that even folks without smart thermostats will gladly set things back to save fuel when they know that their bed is toasty warm.

What Else will Snoodles Do?

That may be up to you! We are proud to report that our Snoodle received a special speedy energy saving invention patent review from the USPTO. Our utility patent is broad (11800942) and covers many possible features beyond the obvious. Snoodle insists that we focus on saving this planet from global warming emissions and that will be our fist priority. Our initial prototype includes heat, vibration and aromatherapy in Snoodles only ear. He will be super soft and made from the finest faux fur available.

Beyond that we will be sending you invitations to our sustainable activities and periotic surveys during Snoodles creation because we truly value your help and input on Snoodles function and design.

But to Launch Snoodle we will need your help.

To prevent the complete extinction of Snoodles it is important that we have a successful launch on Kickstarter. We intend to assemble a large community of Snoodle supporters / designers (that’s you) to assure an early and successful launch. Can you help us spread the word? Invite your friends to the Snoodle Squad Community and we can all learn to live more sustainably together.

Snoodle’s best friend and creator is Scott Milne, the owner of Sustainable Product Technologies. He is also a commercial efficiency specialist located in Denver and the Founder of Rocky Mountain Efficiency. Scott wrote the book, Win the War on Covid-19, the first book on Amazon about escaping the pandemic and killing Covid-19. Scott lives in the Rocky Mountains and just hates getting into a cold bed. He found electric blankets inadequate and uncomfortable and when nighttime electrification became obvious and important, Snoodle was conceived. When Scott built his body pillow prototype the necessary chord felt a bit funny around his feet. After covering the chord with fur Snoodle was born and the chord disappeared. Scott has found a manufacturer skilled in making heated appliances and is working hard on the final design and function. Wont you please join Snoodle and Scott as they create their show “Living Sustainably with Snoodle and Scott” and launch the first home comfort product committed to reducing global warming.Thank you for your commitment. Snoodle Wishing you a sound night sleep.